Wednesday, September 25, 2019

When And Why Should My Newborn Baby Get The Hepatitis Vaccine

Injection shots for newborns is indeed a painful thing for new parents to witness, but this will protect your small munchkin forever. Ensuring their healthy life is totally essential for which you must know when and why newborns need the hepatitis B shots.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Time To Say Goodbye To Gallbladder Problems And Gallstones

Gallstones and gall bladder problems are very common, affecting almost 25 million people every year in the USA. People with high levels of cholesterol are more prone to this problem. The bad cholesterol along with other substances like fats present in the bile solidify into stone-like objects within the gall bladder, thereby causing pain and discomfort.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

How to Avoid Spinal Cord Injury

A Spinal cord injury is the worst possible injury that a person can suffer from as it can be life-threatening or can lead to complete or total paralysis. The damage caused by such an injury is very severe and is mostly irreversible. Hence it is always better to avoid getting such an injury by taking all possible precautions. Most of such damages happen as a result of accidents – be it road or any other. Old aged people are also at risk of spinal injuries because of the risk of falls.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Risks associated with Pregnancy and C-section

Giving birth to a baby mostly happens in an the uncomplicated yet natural way in which the pregnant mother delivers a healthy baby with or without complications after getting labour pains on completion of her pregnancy period.

When complications occur, making a simple natural delivery is impossible for the pregnant mother. Such pregnancies where there is a significant risk of possible complications to both mother and baby are termed as high-risk pregnancies.

What are some risks associated with Pregnancies?

The possible risk factors for high-risk pregnancies:
1.    Research points out that most natural and uncomplicated deliveries happen when the mothers are aged less than 35 and more than 17. After this age, the chances of some complication is increased.
2.    It is possible that the pregnant mother could be having some health condition before pregnancy like high blood pressure, heart problems or some disease transmitted sexually that could be a risk factor for both the mother and baby.
3.    There could be hereditary reasons also like a woman having some disorder that she inherited genetically, which potentially can be forwarded to the baby.
4.    Some pregnant women get a kind of diabetes that only happens during pregnancy known as gestational diabetes and which gets resolved after the delivery is over.
5.    A woman who is pregnant with more than a single baby is also at risk of developing complications like blood pressure or early labour.
6.    Obesity is also a possible and unavoidable risk factor for having a high-risk pregnancy.
7.    Alcohol consumption, smoking or other such bad habits can also lead to high-risk pregnancies.
High-risk pregnancies require extra monitoring and treatment during the entire period of pregnancy by specialist doctors at Obstetrics hospital in Greater Kailas. After assessing the mother’s condition, the doctor may rule out a normal vaginal delivery and recommend a C - section that will be safe for both the baby and mother.

C - section and its relation to high-risk pregnancies: 

A-C- section is a surgical procedure where a baby is delivered via cuts made in the abdomen or uterus. It is usually adopted in the case of high- risk pregnancies where there is a danger to the health of both mother and child.

When should you go for C-section?

Following are some of the reasons when you can go for C- section:
1.     When a pregnant woman is expecting more than one baby and conditions are too risky for her to have a standard vaginal delivery.
2.    In cases where a pregnant woman may have a placenta which is situated in the wrong position in the uterus.
3.    It may be done when the reports show the baby to have birth defects.
4.    A C - section is the best procedure when the baby is not placed in a healthy position in the womb.
5.    For women with a history of a C – section during her previous delivery.
6.    In cases where there are obstructions for the baby to come out like the presence of a fibroid.
7.    When there are problems with labour and smooth vaginal delivery is not naturally possible.
Even though there are the usual risk factors associated with surgical procedures, a C – section is the best possible procedure during cases of high-risk pregnancies to ensure safe delivery and safeguard the health of both mother and child.
You can talk about your issues, fears and complications with the best gynaecologist in Delhi at Spring Meadows Hospital, which is one of the best obstetrics hospitals in Greater Kailash.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

What to do when you are diagnosed with Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer afflicting women, and its incidence has grown considerably over the years. Many women often enquire with their gynecologists as to whether they are at risk for breast cancer, but it is difficult to provide an accurate answer. But, don’t be fearful, be aware of how to avoid it and if you are diagnosed, then what can you do about it. 


Risk factors to be taken into account to assess if you have Breast Cancer 

The following are some of them are: 

1. If a close relative like a mother or sister has had breast cancer, then there is a high degree of risk of getting afflicted. If only a distant relative has been afflicted, then the likelihood is comparatively lower.
2. Breast cancer is found to be prevalent in women aged more than 50 years. So, women around that age are more at risk.
3. If a woman has had breast cancer in the past, then she stands a chance of getting afflicted again.
4. Those women who have had first pregnancies after 30 years of age or those with late menopause or early menarche are likely to get breast cancer.
5. Oral contraceptives have been known to increase the risk of breast cancer in women,
Early diagnosis of breast cancer increases the chance of successful treatment. It is an excellent practice to self - examine the breasts once in a while for any noticeable changes. 


Symptoms of breast cancer

The common symptoms of breast cancer are:

1. There may be a lump on the breasts or chest or around that area that may be felt but not seen.
2. The shape or size of any of the breasts may have changed.
3. The texture of the skin in that area may display some changes.
4. The color of the breasts shows changes.
5. Some discharge is seen from the nipple.

Diagnosing breast cancer and treatment at Obstetrics Hospital in Greater Kailash

The usual procedures for diagnosing breast cancer are mammogram, breast examination, breast ultrasound, biopsy, and MRI. 

Once the diagnosis is complete, and breast cancer has been identified, there are different options for treatment like:

1. The surgical option where a procedure called mastectomy is performed, which involves the removal of the entire affected breast or lumpectomy where only the tumour is removed, and most of the breast remains. A woman who has undergone mastectomy can undergo plastic reconstruction surgery where a breast is recreated using surrounding healthy tissue. 

2. The other method is radiation therapy which reduces the possibility of recurrence of cancer in the area. In this method, powerful radiation is used to destroy cancer cells 

3. Then there is the systemic method of treatment where medicines are sent via the bloodstream to kill cancer cells. The standard systemic methods are chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy.

It is essential that women get themselves examined by the best gynecologist in Delhi regularly as that increases the chances of successful treatment due to early diagnosis. Gynecologists or obstetricians are mostly well trained to recognize the symptoms of breast cancer than any other specialist. On a visit to their gynecologist, women will also learn the benefits of regular self – examination of the breasts for early diagnosis. You can visit Spring Meadows Hospital, which provides Obstetrics treatment in Greater Kailash. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

How can Diabetes cause a damage to your Kidneys and What can you do do About it?

About more than 62 million Indians suffer from Diabetes, and it is Diabetes is a disease that afflicts a majority of the population in today’s times and is rightly termed as a silent killer. In Diabetes, the body is not able to utilize insulin in an optimum manner or in some cases; there is not enough insulin created in the body. The function of insulin is to control the amount of blood sugar in the body. High or low blood sugar levels can create many complications in the body.

Diabetes types

There are two types of Diabetes namely,
Type 1: The body does not produce sufficient insulin and
Type 2: Here, the insulin produced is not utilized properly.
Type 1 requires the person to get insulin in the form of injections permanently, whereas, in Type 2, the patient needs to take pills for regulating the blood sugar levels. However, both types require following a strict diet.

The effect of Diabetes on kidneys

The Kidneys perform an essential function of purifying the blood and getting rid of impurities from the body. When a person has Diabetes, the damage is caused to the tiny blood vessels of the kidneys, and as a result, the purifying function of the organ gets affected. When this happens, the blood retains a lot of waste matter, and the body also keeps excess water and salt. This leads to symptoms like oedema in the ankle due to excess fluid retention.

Diabetes also adversely impacts the nervous system of the body, and due to the damage caused to nerves, there can be issues like the inability to empty the bladder fully. Thus can result in infections on account of bacterial build-up and may also cause strain on the kidneys due to accumulated urine.

How to know if your kidneys are getting affected due to Diabetes?

Some symptoms of kidney disease in diabetic patients are:

1.    Frequent urination, especially at night.
2.    Increase in blood pressure.
3.    Swelling in the legs.
4.    Increased albumin levels in urine.
5.    Nausea symptoms.

If any of the above symptoms are observed, it is necessary to visit an internal medicine hospital in Delhi, where the specialists will determine whether Diabetes is the cause of kidney damage. They will then suggest remedial measures which will prevent any further damage.  

Measures to control kidney damage due to Diabetes

1.    If the blood pressure is high, medications may be suggested to control and bring it down.
2.    The blood sugar levels will be monitored, and if necessary, medicines for maintaining optimum levels may be prescribed.
3.    All medications usually taken will be analyzed, and if any medicine is found to be adversely affecting the kidneys, it will be stopped or changed.
4.    Any issues present in the urinary system will be rectified.
5.    If there is an infection in the urinary tract, treatment shall be prescribed accordingly.

Along with the above, the specialists at the best internal medicine hospital in Delhi, i.e. Spring Meadows Hospital will prescribe a suitable diet that will control and maintain appropriate sugar levels and at the same time be beneficial to the kidneys. If the kidneys are no longer able to perform sufficiently and have failed, then they will suggest either the option of dialysis or to undergo kidney transplantation. 
Spring Meadows Hospital provides internal medicine treatment at Greater Kailash, and they have helped many diabetics to get control of their sugar levels.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Ear Infections

Ear infections, which are usually found to be more prevalent in children than adults, occur when the middle ear, which is located behind the eardrums gets infected. Ear infections occur mostly after a common cold or any other infection like flu. Mostly simple ear infections get healed on their own, but if symptoms persist, the patient has to be diagnosed properly and then treated first with pain relief medicines and if it is necessary be given antibiotics.

How to know if you have an ear infection?

Many times when our ears are infected, we don’t understand what is going on – if it is the ear or teeth or something else. That’s probably because our ears do not get infected frequently. Here is a list of the symptoms usually experienced during an ear infection include:
1.    The most common symptom is a pain in either of the ears and which could be constant and sharp in nature.
2.    A feeling of stuffiness in the ear.
3.    Difficulty experienced in hearing sounds appropriate.
4.    Some drainage in the ear.
5.    There could be a sensation of nausea.
6.    In children, there could be lessened appetite.
7.    Fever symptoms can be noticed.

Causes of ear infections

Here are some causes of ear infections: 

1.    Most ear infections occur as a side effect to a common cold, allergy or flu because of the congestion and inflammation of nasal passages, throat or eustachian tubes. Fluid can collect in the middle ear on account of the inflammation of eustachian tubes, and this fluid may get infected, sometimes resulting in an ear infection.
2.    Similarly, the swelling of adenoids (a lymphatic tissue) can also cause infections of the ear.
3.    Bad air quality due to pollution or cigarette smoke can cause ear infections.

Risk factors for ear infections

Small children whose immunities are not fully developed to fight viruses and bacteria are vulnerable to ear infections. Colder climates often cause ear infections in people who are vulnerable to allergies caused by pollutants like pollen.

Diagnosis of ear infections

Initial diagnosis is made with the help of an instrument called Otoscope through which the ENT doctor examines the insides of the ear. An ENT may also try to detect any fluid collection in the middle ear with a pneumatic otoscope. If necessary further tests using a Tympanometer may be conducted.

How to treat ear infections?

Following are the treatment methods:

1.    If it is a simple infection caused by a virus, the doctor may just prescribe a medicine for relief from pain and something that will also bring the fever down.
2.    If the infection has been caused by bacteria, then antibiotic medicine will be prescribed. It is necessary to complete the entire course of medicine prescribed by the doctor correctly and not to discontinue it even if you see an improvement in the symptoms. Stopping the course midway can result in the infection to recur with the bacteria becoming more resistant to the antibiotics prescribed.
3.    If there is a recurrent incidence of ear infections and fluid keeps remaining in the middle ear, then the best ENT specialists in Delhi suggest a method to drain out the fluids called myringotomy? A tube may be placed to drain the fluids and to prevent them from getting collected again. After a time period, the tubes will fall out.

It is always better to visit the best ENT hospitalin Greater Kailash which is Spring Meadows as the specialist at the early signs of an ear infection as timely diagnosis and treatment will ensure a complete cure and prevent unnecessary complications like irreversible hearing loss.