Monday, October 14, 2019

Women health and Fibroids & Cysts

A woman’s health is crucial not only for her children but for the entire family. A woman undergoes multiple hormonal changes in her life, which takes a toll on her overall body. Hence, a woman’s health is fragile, and there are certain health conditions that are unique to women only and do not affect men. Ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids are examples of such health issues. These issues can interfere with women’s ability to conceive and can also adversely affect fertility.

Warning signs of a Fracture

Getting fractures has become so common these days. Everyone gets a fracture at some point or the other in their lives. Especially when you are in sports then it is impossible that you have never experienced a fracture. Fractures range from tiny little cracks in your bones to breaks that can even end up in piercing of your skin. Despite it being so common, you should know how to recognize its warning signs so that you can provide immediate medical attention. In order to ensure proper healing and determine the extent of damage caused, you should get your fractures examined by the best medical professionals in the best orthopedic treatment hospital in Delhi.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Lifestyle after a Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip replacement surgery is a procedure in which a diseased hip joint is replaced with one made artificially using components like plastic or metal alloys. The procedure has become quite common today and people undergoing the surgery can walk better and also get a lot of relief from pain. Thanks to the medical technology which doesn’t make the life tough after undergoing the best hip replacement surgery in Delhi.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Diabetes and Foot problems

Diabetes, also known as the silent killer, is a disease which occur due to the rise in the sugar levels in the blood. The body of a diabetic person is incapable of producing enough insulin or is not able to make optimum use of the available insulin. The function of insulin is to control the glucose levels in the body so that it is used properly by the cells as energy.