Monday, July 29, 2019

How to care for babies in Monsoon

For parents, their whole world revolves around their babies and they would like to do everything possible to keep them happy and in good health always. Bringing up babies is no easy task and it is necessary to know everything about their proper care in order to keep them healthy and cheerful.Babies are very vulnerable to illnesses,especially in monsoon,and the parents absolutely don’t compromise in this regard.

Every season brings its own challenges,but monsoons especially are a time when certain precautions have to be followed strictly because many food-borne and water borne illnesses are prevalent during monsoon.This is the time when there are more possibilities of certain illnesses. But certain steps if taken properly for prevention of illnesses along with following other guidelines will guarantee the safety and good health of babies during monsoon.

Neonatologist at Spring Meadows have brought some important precautions to your notice
Let us go through some of the important points for baby care during monsoon:

1. Appropriate clothing: It is necessary to clothe your baby properly during monsoon and the clothes should always be dry and warm. The fabric should preferably be cotton as it is the most comfortable and does not cause any irritation on skin. During the rains, the weather is never constant and so depending on whether it is warm or cold,clothing can be added or reduced. Arms and legs should be totally covered to prevent mosquito bites.Clothes should be checked frequently for wetness as damp clothes can lead to infections like cold or fever.They can also cause skin troubles like rashes. It is also a good practice sometimes to let your infants be free from diaper.

2. Keep surroundings clean: During rains, the entire house should be wiped clean by using safe disinfectants to remove dirt and to prevent pests from getting attracted.Water getting collected in any place should be immediately dried out. Only clean and dry surroundings can keep away disease causing bacteria and other pests.

3. Get rid of mosquitoes: Mosquitoes are very attracted towards stagnant water and dirty areas and they can cause diseases like chikungunya, dengue, malaria. Hence it is important not to let them breed. Bathrooms and toilets should be kept very clean with disinfectants. The baby’s cot should have a mosquito net to prevent getting bitten and windows should preferably be sealed with meshes. Safe repellents can also be used to drive away mosquitoes.

4. Give only pure water: During monsoons possibility of water contamination is high and so the water used for drinking should be either purified using a high-quality purifier or it should be boiled and then cooled to kill bacteria. Do not compromise and always provide RO or mineral water to the kids whenever you go out for vacations, restaurants or for any other leisure activities.

5. Provide breast feeding: It is always better to frequently feed babies breast milk as it has the capacity to fight off unwanted bacteria, protect the baby and keep diseases away.Mothers should also eat nutritious home cooked food as it has a positive effect on the baby.

6. Watch out for infections: If there are any signs of infection in the baby that signify cold or flu,the baby should be treated immediately. Timely treatment of such infections can prevent the onset of any major illness in the baby. You must immediately visit a neonatologist in Delhi for quick treatment.

7. Take care of the baby’s hygiene: During the rains, it is necessary to keep babies clean and dry using soaps and oils that are safe and which do not cause allergies or infections.

8. Stay alert for skin problems: Change the diaper frequently to prevent rashes and also watch out for signs like redness, swelling etc. which could lead to potential skin troubles. Clothes which are moist can promote the growth of bacteria.

9. Keep bed sheets clean and dry: In the monsoon,it is better to keep bed sheets dry and also change them frequently to prevent growth of bacteria.

10. Give necessary vaccines: As per the doctor’s advice, necessary vaccination can be given to boost the baby’s immune system.This will make him strong to fight against infections and illness. Non-vaccinated adults are always vulnerable to many kinds of illnesses comparatively.

It is rightly said that prevention is better than cure. If you strictly adhere to these ten precautionary steps provided by the Neonatologist of Spring Meadows Hospital, then you can keep away from all kinds of health troubles that monsoon brings.

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