Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Why should you visit a General Physician in Delhi?

We cannot run from health ailments, and it is quite natural for anyone to suffer from some once in a few months or a year. There are plenty of reasons which can cause illness. It could be our interaction with people infected with contagious viruses,climatic changes, low immunity, deficiency of necessary nutrients in the body and the list goes on.

With Google being easy to access, most of the people now look for quick remedies, both in the form of medication and home remedies. However, the information available on Google may not be right! Also, there can be adverse consequences, and such solutions may not be fruitful on the long term.

Nobody can replace doctors; so do not skip visiting physicians whenever you suffer from ailment.

Two common problems in any person are cold/cough accompanied by fever and gastric juices. Moreover, as discussed above, people are more interested in quick solutions without realizing that these problems can keep coming up, especially acidity. Hence, it is essential to visit a general physician in Delhi to find a permanent solution for gastric issues and frequent cough and cold.

This disturbing trend of self-medication through over the counter drugs bought from the nearby chemist never really helps permanently. It is always better to visit the best general physician in Delhi when you are down with some ailment; however, minor it may be like a common cold, mainly if it lasts long more than three days. Sometimes the infection or pain may be the result of some underlying condition which if adequately diagnosed and treated by the physician could be treated successfully. The timely treatment could prevent minor infection or pain from being converted into some chronic or severe illness.

No one better than a general physician in Delhi can help you in curing recurring ailments.

Why should you visit a physician?

1. If a person has a common cold and is feeling breathless, it could signify something more severe like asthma or lung infection.

2. A simple gastric pain that seems to be harmless could be because of a gallstone. Hence you must not ignore it, if you are suffering from gastric pain now and then.

3. A cough which does not get better in two weeks or more could mean a lung infection or pneumonia.
4. The fever which is not subsiding could be malaria or typhoid.

5. Frequent acute headaches could be migraine or sinus.

If you think, Google or self-medication can help you with good health; then you are mistaken. You have to undergo a proper diagnosis and do not PROCRASTINATE as lack of knowledge could result in chronic disease.

Taking medicines without consulting a physician is very risky as some over the counter medicines may give symptomatic relief, but may aggravate some pre-existing condition which was not taken into account. So instead of saving money by not going to a physician, it may result in unexpected huge expenses and unnecessary mental and physical stress.

With substantial medical advancement, humans today have a larger life expectancy and can lead a better healthy life. Spring Meadows Hospital has experienced physicians who diagnose your illnesses accurately using the appropriate methods. They will also consider your family history and take into account the tendencies towards any disease. Then, they will prescribe the necessary tests to keep us in good health always.

So, it is always wise to go to the best general physician in Delhi in the event of any malady, as self-medication can hide the existence of any disease which may be underlying and unnecessarily delay its proper diagnosis and successful treatment. The physicians will consider your family history and provide effective remedy accordingly.

The general physicians in Delhi at Spring Meadows hospital have great expertise in medical science and know what is best for us, and will prescribe those medicines which will not have any adverse effect on our body. Our physicians are also available over calls in case of emergencies.

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Monday, June 24, 2019

Best Gallbladder Stone Treatment in Delhi - Spring Meadows Hospital

The gallbladder, a small pouch located under the liver, is used for collecting and storing the liquid bile. Bile is a digestive juice secreted by liver which is needed for the digestion of fats.
There are problems associated with gall bladder such as gall bladder stones, cholecystitis, gallstone pancreatitis. However, if due to any medical reason, gall bladder has been removed from the digestive system, it doesn’t create any problem or threat to human health.

What are gallstones?
Gallstones are formed in the gallbladder when the bile gets hardened due to several unclear reasons. Most of the gallstones are made of cholesterol while the remaining are composed of bilirubin and calcium salts. They may form stones with no symptoms at all or in other cases, display symptoms like nausea, vomiting or pain either in the center or upper right side of the abdomen.
Gallstones may be either pigment gallstones formed by excess bilirubin or cholesterol gallstones which are formed when cholesterol is not dissolved. Tiny gallstones which do not display any symptoms are usually harmless and can be left with no treatment.

Even though the medical world is not very clear about why gallstones are developed in the body, doctors point out specific reasons for their causes.

The following are some of the most important causes of formation of gallstones:
1. Incomplete emptying by the gallbladder: For the healthy functioning of the gallbladder, the bile needs to be emptied, but sometimes due to a variety of reasons the gallbladder is left partially. Thus, the residual bile gets concentrated and can lead to the formation of stone formation.

2. Excess cholesterol in bile: The yellowish liquid bile produced by the liver performs the function of dissolving cholesterol. When the cholesterol produced is too much for the bile to dissolve, it results in their hardening and forming into gallstones.

3. Excess bilirubin: When red blood cells are broken down, the chemical bilirubin is formed. Bilirubin is sometimes produced more than needed due to causative factors like disorders of the blood, infections of the biliary tract and liver cirrhosis. This new formation of bilirubin also leads to the creation of gallstones.

4. Obesity: Research also points out obesity as one of the factors associated with the formation of the gallstones. Obese people have too much fat accumulated in the body because of their improper diets and

5. Side effects of certain medications: Sometimes, gallstones are formed as a byproduct of certain medications such as birth control pills or drugs which are meant to reduce cholesterol in your body.

Treating Gallstones
Treatment of gallstones involves surgical procedures to remove the stone or other medical practices such as the administration of antibiotics, which can help in dissolving the gallstones. Here are some common ways used to treat gallstones:

1. Laparoscopic Gallstone Treatment: A surgical method used to remove gall bladder from your abdomen. The doctors at Spring Meadows Hospital firstly administer the patient with local anesthesia followed by making three to four incision in the gut. Through these incisions made, light and the small device is inserted for removal of the gall bladder.

2. Through antibiotics: Gall bladder stone treatment can be carried out by prescribing some medicines to the patients. These antibiotics can dissolve the gall stones (if they have been formed due to excess cholesterol). However, this is not the most recommended gall bladder stone treatment as the process is slow, and the risk of formation of gallstones is high. Ursode oxycholic acid is prescribed for dissolving small gallstones.

3. Contact solvent dissolution: A rare technique used for dissolving gallstones is the solvent dissolution. In this technique, a needle is inserted into the gall bladder, and a chemical is injected for dissolving the gall stones.

If you undergo best gall bladder stone treatment Delhi, then you must take care post-surgery. You may face runny or watery stools along with abdomen pain once your gall bladder has been removed. However, you do not have to worry much as these problems will fade away with time, and you will lead a healthy life.

One of the best gall bladder stone treatment in Delhi is carried out at Spring Meadows hospital. The doctors here can rightly help you in diagnosing the severity of gall bladder stones in your abdomen. Through proper diagnosis, the gall bladder stone treatment can be employed.

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Saturday, June 22, 2019

Best Gastroenterology Treatment for Liver Disorders - Spring Meadows Hospital

It is normal for any of us to get afflicted by gastrointestinal problems once in a while. They may be in the form of the not so severe ones like stomach pain, gas problems, acidity, indigestion to the more serious issues like diarrhea, diverticulitis etc. These problems occur due to a number of reasons like poor lifestyle, improper diet, low immunity, side effects of medicines and many others. A visit to a good gastroenterology treatment hospital is the best way out.
What are some common gastroenterology problems which must be addressed?
A number of common gastroenterology problems that can affect a man are:

1. Acidity: It is commonly described as a burning sensation either in the chest or stomach area. It may be accompanied by loss of appetite and lot of gas release in form of burp or fart.

2. Constipation: Most of you might have experienced this frequently and the symptom is the inability or difficulty to empty our bowels fully. It is caused by eating foods which are low in fiber like fast foods made of refined flours and also by not drinking adequate water.

3. Gallstones: They are formed in the gallbladder and cause symptoms like nausea and stomach pain. Reasons may be too much alcohol intake, eating fatty foods and consuming too much sugary foods.

4. Peptic ulcer: They are sores in the stomach lining caused by the bacteria ‘helicobacter pylori’ and some common causes are smoking, foods that create acidity and stress.

5. Lactose intolerance: It is the inability in some people to digest milk or milk products and symptoms are usually in the form of nausea, diarrhea and bloating.

6. Irritable bowel syndrome: People afflicted by this may have symptoms like diarrhea or constipation, gas problems and stomach pain. It is caused by stress or the side effects of certain drugs and foods.

7. Diarrhea: This is caused by eating stale food or raw foods infected by bacteria. Symptoms are in the form of motions that are loose and frequent along with dehydration and weakness.

Troublesome foods for acidic patients
Some foods that cause gastrointestinal problems are:

1. Alcohol: If taken in excess, it can lead to inflammation around the area of the gut and can lead to gastric problems.

2. Certain grains: Gluten in certain grains like wheat and barley is known to cause allergic reactions in people sensitive to gluten. But even other grains can cause inflammation triggering gastric trouble.

3. Dairy products: Many people are allergic to milk due to the presence of Casein, a protein while some react to lactose, which is a sugar.Nowadays cows are also given antibiotics and other chemical supplements. So, all these factors make dairy products a major cause of gastric problems.

4. Sugary foods: Excessive sugar intake is bad as the harmful bacteria in our stomach thrive on sugar. Such bacteria multiply in our guts and cause inflammation.

5. Nuts: Some people find it difficult to digest nuts and it is better for them to totally avoid eating them or at least eat raw and roasted non processed ones.

6. Some vegetables and fruits: Certain fruits like apples, pears and mangoes and vegetables like beetroot, asparagus, onions, garlic, leeks can cause gastric trouble in some people.

7. Acidic foods: Some fruits with high acidic content can irritate the stomach’s lining. Examples are lemon, oranges and tomatoes. It is also good to consume less of carbonated drinks.

8. Fatty and fried foods: Foods with excess fat like burgers or hot dogs can cause either constipation or sometimes even diarrhea.

9. Stale foods: Food should always be eaten as fresh as possible. Those that are refrigerated for long periods can contain bacteria which could cause food poisoning or diarrhea.

Always try to maintain the balance of gut by consuming curd, butter milk, watermelon, and lemon juice. Never ignore gastroenterology problems and take treatment from the best gastroenterology treatment hospital in Delhi.

Spring Meadows hospital is one of the best places to take treatment for gastroenterology related problems. The doctors here will provide the best gastroenterology treatment to you.
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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Best Liver Treatment Hospital in Delhi

The liver plays a vital role in keeping our body healthy and energetic. Its function is to remove those toxins and waste from our blood, which means it is actively involved in detoxification.  Another essential function of the liver is to secrete bile juice, which is helpful in the process of metabolism.
In situations where we feel less energetic or lethargic and have symptoms like low appetite and nausea, it could mean our liver is not performing optimally. It could signify the onset of a liver disease, and if corrective steps are not taken, it could harm other organs involved in the digestive system.
Some Common Liver Conditions :
The liver is a vital organ, and thus, it can be associated with multiple liver diseases. If you face a lot of nausea, gastric problem, stomach ache, continuous vomiting then you must visit best liver disease treatment hospital in Delhi.
1. Hepatitis: Usually caused by alcohol, allergic reactions and an unhealthy lifestyle. Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver, which is caused by hepatitis virus A, B and C. So, do not forget to take hepatitis vaccination.
2. Liver cirrhosis: A severe liver disease which affects the livers productivity to a greater extent. It is permanent scarring which can lead to long term damage to the liver.
3. Liver failure: Heavy, fatty foods, excessive alcohol consumption or genetic disease can lead to liver failure.
4. Hemochromatosis: Sometimes, iron gets deposited in the liver, and thus, it also gets stored in various body parts leading to multiple health problems.
5. Gallstones: Gall bladder stones may be stuck in the bile duct. This often leads to liver inflammation or bile duct infection.
All these common problems are closely associated with food and a healthy lifestyle. It is recommended that you must visit liver disease treatment in Delhi, so that the doctors there can rightly diagnosis and treat you.
The liver works hard to remove unwanted things by filtering blood and removing chemicals which are present in medicines and even fruits and vegetables which are sprayed with pesticides from our body.
Specific dietary changes can go a long way in keeping our liver healthy.
How diet plays a vital role in maintaining good liver health
It is always recommended to cut down those things from your diet, which are not beneficial for you.
Here are some tips that can help prevent liver damage:
1. Keep a check on alcohol intake: Alcohol consumption in excess leads to liver disease. So, it is necessary to either cut down your intake to the minimum level or completely stop consuming it.
2. Reduce sugar in take: Refined sugar does not contain nutrients and can, in fact, increase the amount of fat in your liver. So learn to say no to ice creams, chocolates, highly sweetened and carbonated drinks.
3. Avoid fatty foods: Deep fried fast foods contain lots of unhealthy fats in the form of oil. This can lead to fat buildup in the long run leading to a slow performing liver. Also, avoid trans and saturated fats, which are most commonly found in processed foods.
4. Consume only fat-free dairy products: Avoid fatty milk products and opt for toned fat-free milk and milk products.
5. Include more fibre in your diet: Bread or sandwiches made with whole grains, fruits and vegetables contain fibre which is necessary for the liver to function properly. So, your diet should include more of these. Also, you can have whole wheat grain instead of refined flour.
6. Stay hydrated: Water should be taken sufficiently throughout the day to keep yourself hydrated as water is responsible for flushing out toxins from the liver. It is advisable to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.
7. Reduce salty foods: Decrease the intake of sodium content from avoiding extremely salty food items like chips, pickles and other packaged food. Add less salt in home cooked food. Salt can also lead to hypertension, another lifestyle disorder.
8. Get omega 3 from fish: Omega 3 fatty acids are perfect for the liver and is found in plenty in fish. So, try to eat fish at least twice a week. If you are a vegetarian, you can have omega-3 fatty acids supplements in the form of capsules.
Doctors always suggest fasting and detoxification so that liver’s productivity can be enhanced. If you are gaining too much of weight and are addicted to junk foods, then you should visit liver treatment hospital in Delhi. Spring Meadows Hospital is regarded as one of the best liver treatment hospital in Delhi where the expert doctors can treat you well against liver diseases. They also guide you towards healthy lifestyle change, which is easy to adopt but requires commitment from your side. If you keep a check on diet and adopt a healthy lifestyle by staying physically active, exercising regularly, then your liver can function well without posing any problem to your liver.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Best Laparoscopic Surgery Treatment in Delhi

Nobody wants to undergo a surgery but many a times unfortunately and unexpectedly our health requires medical intervention in the form of a surgery. In this blog, we will discuss about laparoscopic surgery.

A laparoscopic Surgery is a modern technique for treating patients who require an abdominal surgery.
Although, surgeries are troublesome but medical advancement has reduced a lot of risk associated with patient’s life, symptoms and pain. Over the last few decades, this surgery has replaced traditional methods of operations and has made it easy for patients. laparoscopic surgery ensures faster recovery than open surgery and also cosmetically better with smaller scars. 

Under this kind of surgery, a tube that has tiny camera called a laparoscope and surgical instruments are inserted in the body through a small cut to see the inside of a body. The body parts are filled with carbon dioxide to inflate the organs and this provides a clear view of the organs and allows the doctor to conduct a proper examination of the abdominal and pelvic issues. After monitoring the issue, the surgeon performs the operation. The tiny camera displays the images of the organs on the connected monitor.
Laparoscopic surgeries can be performed for treating Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, rectal prolapse, ulcerative colitis, cancer. Laparoscopic surgeries are safe for treating certain abdominal cancer like that of colorectal cancer.

Benefits & Risks of Undergoing a Laparoscopic Surgery

The surgery, however, has its own fair share of benefits and risks and are listed below:

1. Smaller Cuts: A traditional surgery involves cuts that range from 6-10 inches whereas in Laparoscopic surgery the cuts are just 0.5-1cm. This reduces the pain which is why it is preferable by the doctors and patients.

2.  Less Pain: Since the incisions are small, the blood loss is limited making these surgeries less awful for the patients. Another wonderful benefit of laparoscopic surgery which couldn’t be possible without medical advancement.

3.    Quick Recovery: The hospitalization is just for a few days. Thus, when the person goes back to his/her home the recovery is quick due to small incisions. Therefore, person returns to his normal functioning swiftly. Isn’t that another wonderful benefit?

4.    Reduced risk of Infection: In laparoscopic surgery, there is reduced risk of contamination of other internal organs of the body.

Every surgery has the potential for anasesthetic and surgical complications. However, with adequate precaution the possibilities for such complications come down drastically.

Always remember to keep your surgeon updated about your progress. Do not miss appointments and take all the medicines on time. It is very crucial to follow all the instructions given by your surgeon for speedy recovery. In case, there is anything unusual like excessive pain, fever, increased menstrual bleeding prevailing for many days, contact your doctor immediately and do not panic.

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Monday, June 3, 2019

Best Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital in Delhi - Spring Meadows Hospital

Joint Replacement, an orthopedic surgery where the non-functional joint is replaced with prosthesis (metal & plastic device which can recreate the normal movements of the joint)is carried out when the pain cannot be eased by medications or other methods. Many patients face knee & hip problems as they grow old. While, shoulder, elbow or finger injury is commonly caused by accidents which damages or breaks the bone that requires immediate doctor intervention. So, if you face any unbearable pain which is affecting your daily routine tasks, you must visit a joint replacement surgery hospital in Delhi

Usually, the joint replacement is done for Knee, Hip, Shoulder, Elbow and Fingers. You must consider taking appointments at joint surgery replacement hospital in Delhi such as Spring Meadows Hospital. 

 This surgery is rewarding in most of the cases but rarely various post-surgery complications and risks like infection, pain, weakness or dislocation can occur. Therefore, proper post-surgery care is indispensable for orthopedic patients. With right doctors at your service, you needn’t worry about the risks associated with the surgery. 

Tips for post-surgery care
 It is always said that the right treatment and regular care together can-do wonders for the patients. So, here are a few tips on post-surgery care:

1.  Relieve Discomfort: A person after the surgery will have trouble in the normal movement of the replaced joint. It will cause pain and the person is bound to feel weak for a few months. So, follow these simple steps:

•  Take medicines on time. Do not miss any dose. The person who provides the medicine must know the prescription correctly whether it has to be taken before food or after food. Follow the doctor’s instruction Strictly.
•  Take proper rest. It might be difficult for patients to sleep well but a routine is required for them. Plan the schedule accordingly. If you don’t rest properly, then the stress on the joints can aggravate the problem leading to late recovery.
•   Follow the prescribed diet for quick recovery and endurable strength.

2.  Exercising: Go for gentle exercises and walk and you should take up physiotherapy sessions as recommended by the doctors of joint replacement surgery hospital. Always remember not to strain yourself. A more than required effort from your side might lead to more pain. Make sure not to overdo anything.

3.  Maintain Good Hygiene: It is advisable to maintain good oral hygiene & general cleanliness of the body to avoid Dental, Skin and Urinary tract infections as these can lead to infection in the replaced joint. After wound healing and stitch removal take advise of doctor about keeping the surgical site clean. In case of itching, redness or irritation at surgical site, consult the doctor immediately without ignoring these symptoms.

4.  Schedule your appointments: The most crucial thing after surgery is to visit the doctor regularly. Try not to miss your appointment. Discuss freely about the discomfort with the doctors at joint replacement surgery hospital in Delhi.

5.  Activities and Sports: Whether a person can perform certain activities or not depends on the recovery of the patient. However, swimming, cycling and golfing and walking is usually safe for major replacements after the wounds are healed. A person (specifically knee replacement) should avoid contact sports. But remember do not start anything without a discussion with the doctor.

You must take care to clear all your doubts with the doctors after undergoing the surgery. Post-surgery care is utmost important to prevent any easily avoidable complications. We have seen cases where due to lack of care. Patients developed deformities in joints, late infections in joints or even fractures as patients were not following doctor’s instructions. Hence, do yourself a favor and do not let that happen to you! 

Quick home remedies for joint replacement patients
The joint surgery hospital in Delhi has suggested some quick tips which a patient must strictly follow:

1.  Never sit on the floor as getting up can cause more stress to the knees & hips – this is true for the patients who have replaced their knee E-hip
2. Any redness, swelling or fever must be reported to the doctor immediately. It may be due to an underlying infection
3. If you have undergone a hip or knee surgery, you may require assistive device like crutches and walker. So, do not hesitate to use them.

Recommended Diet and Nutrition
There are some foods which can interfere with your recovery process. It is essential that you must be aware which foods to eat and which to avoid during your post surgery recovery.

1.  Always have lot of fluids and keep yourself hydrated.
2.  Consume foods which are rich in calcium such as dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, fortified cereals etc) to keep bones strong and healthy.
3.  Always consume vitamin D to ensure absorption of calcium. Vitamin D is commonly found in fish, milk .Skin exposure to sunlight helps the body to produce Vit D
4.  Avoid constipation by eating fibre rich foods such as banana, corn, peas, almonds, whole wheat, and broccoli.
5.  Consume foods which are rich in iron to improve the hemoglobin content in the blood. Rich sources of iron are green leafy vegetables, pomegranate, raisins etc.
6.  Vitamin C helps in absorption of Iron hence ensure to have citric foods like oranges, tomatoes, lemon, tamarind and many more. 

Every patient heals differently but what is common in their recovery is the post-surgery care. In the initial few weeks, a patient might go through emotional turmoil but what will keep them going is support and regular attention. It is very important to take care of them. However, it will all be normal in the long run. Never lose hope. 

Spring Meadows hospital is the best joint replacement surgery hospital in Delhi which can rightly diagnose the problems of your joint, treat the same and also provide post-surgery care services for better recovery.