Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Gynaecological Disorders that Women Must Never Ignore - Spring Meadows Hospital

Due to many hormonal changes, there are many disorders which can occur in women after the onset of the menstrual cycle.

Some common gynaecological disorders in a woman are: 

1.   Urinary tract infections: Women are more susceptible to UTI’s compared to men. You may suffer from pain or burning sensation while passing urine, blood in urine, and increased frequency of urination. You shouldn’t ignore any of these symptoms and must visit a doctor who can treat you through antibiotics. Self medication should be avoided also it would result in complicated your infection.

2.    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Another common disorder caused by a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. The cysts are formed around the ovaries which interfere with the menstrual cycle, lead to obesity, and there is an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. If you are diagnosed with PCOS, then you must visit a gynaecologist who can help in reducing the risk factors and symptoms. However, it would be best if you also visited a dietitian and takes her opinion as they can plan a customized meal chart for you. There is no permanent cure for PCOS – you can only achieve it through the right diet and exercise.

3.    Infertility: If you are unable to conceive after trying for a year, you must book an appointment with the Best Gynaecology Hospital. You may have to undergo surgery if you are suffering from blocked fallopian tubes or fibroids, which can be cured by surgical treatments only. If preliminary treatment doesn’t help diagnostic laparoscopy and hysteroscopy would be required for further evaluation & treatment.

4 Fibroids: One of the most common ailments in women where noncancerous tumours are grown, leading to the heavy menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle is prolonged with constant backache and frequent urination. You can get it diagnosed via Ultrasound /CT-Scan or MRI .If required, you may have to undergo a surgery to remove these tumours .Nowadays for smaller fibroids medical treatment is also available.

5.    Menopause: Not a disorder, but a phase which makes woman weak and there may be some worrying concerns which must be addressed good non hormonal substituted are available which your OBG can advised & improve your condition to ensure smooth menopause. You can undergo hormonal therapies at a gynaecology surgery hospital to treat your fears regarding menopause, which are interfering with your daily life tasks.

Although rare ovarian pathology & uterine cancer also can occur and present with Abnormal bleeding needs urgent Consultation.

Woman’s life always revolves around her family’s life. She takes excellent care of her loved ones but forgets herself! In doing so, many women lose their holistic well-being, which cannot be brought back if neglected. We bring to you top 5 symptoms a woman should never ignore about her health

1.    Dark Coloured Urine: Woman must never overlook the colour of the urine. It usually tells about the bladder and kidney health. You must drink much liquid to maintain light coloured urine. If there is no improvement in the urine colour, you must visit a gynaecologist.

2.    Heavy or reduced bleeding in periods: The flow of the cycle speaks about your gynaecological health. If you have excessive or very light bleeding, you must not delay your visit to a gynaecologist.

3.    Abnormal spotting: If you bleed in between your menstrual cycle, never let it go unnoticed. The chances are that there might be an internal injury which needs to be addressed.

4.    Breast discharge: If you are not pregnant or lactating, and you notice breast discharge, then you must get your hormone levels checked immediately by the Gynaecologist in Delhi

Take your life seriously, ladies…
Unlike a man’s body, ladies have to undergo many hormonal changes such as the onset of periods, pregnancy & lactation, menopause. Hence, you must aim at improving the quality of life, and for this, you must outweigh the risks involved, prevent illness by identifying and rectifying the disorder at an early stage.

Spring Meadows Hospital offers excellent services to the patients visiting with health concerns. We have excellent gynaecologist who can help in recognition and treatment of gynaecological disorders along with conducting surgeries if required.

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Saturday, May 25, 2019

Foods an Orthopedic Patient Must Avoid - Spring Meadows Hospital

Orthopedic patients refer to the people suffering from diseases and ailments related to muscles, ligament or bones. Orthopedic problems are very common among individuals particularly women who are aged above 40.

Although, such problems are non-risky but it can potentially interfere with routine tasks. Some common orthopedic issues are knee problems, torn cartilages and ligaments, dislocated shoulder, fractures or diseases like arthritis, osteoarthritis etc. However, in some cases, such issues need to be treated via surgery and you can consider orthopedics treatment in Delhi.
Thus, it becomes essential for orthopedic patients to take the right food and nutrition for their speedy recovery and bone healing. Doctors today recommend women to start taking calcium and vitamin D supplements to support their bone health. You can also consult the best orthopedic treatment hospital in Delhi if your daily activities are hampered by musculoskeletal complaints.

Important Nutrients for Orthopedic Patients:
Food can rightly impact the health of a person and it stands true for the orthopedic patients too:

Protein is the main component for bones in human body. A person post-surgery should increase the intake of protein by adding soybeans, spinach, peas, lentils, meat and eggs in their diet. Vegetarians are less likely to consume the adequate intake of protein, hence should be careful about sufficient protein content of diet.

Calcium is another important component for orthopedic patients. It is very necessary to take the required amount of calcium in your diet in order to have strong and healthy skeletal system. The food items that are rich in calcium are dairy products like milk, cheese, tofu, yogurt etc. For calcium to get absorbed in the body, it is mandatory to consume vitamin D which is commonly found in milk. Direct Sunlight exposure on exposed skin also helps the body to manufacture Vit D.

Vitamins are the third most important part of the diet for orthopedic patients. It helps in repairing broken tissues and heals surgical wounds. Vitamin rich food items include fishes, salmon and fruits like apple, kiwi and strawberries.

Seven Food to Avoid
Apart from medicines prescribed by the doctor, it is the diet that makes a huge difference for patients. Hence, it is equally important to avoid the food that harms orthopedic patients. Consumption of such foods increases the problems for the patients. 
These food items include:

1. Sugar: Patients generally suffering from osteoarthritis and knee pain should avoid sugar as higher sugar levels in body are associated with inflammatory process in the body. Intake of sugar might worsen the condition of sufferer.

2. High levels of Salt: Consuming too much of salt can cause joint swelling which is again bad for Osteoarthritis patients. Low salt diet also offers some protection from osteoporosis.

3. Refined Carbohydrates: Products like bread, white rice, potatoes must be avoided as they can stimulate inflammation due to formation of advanced Glycation End (age) products.

4. Packaged Food: It is crucial to avoid processed snacks as they contain fats that can stimulate inflammation.

5. Alcohol: Post surgery, it is advisable to limit the consumption of alcohol as it causes hindrance to the healing process. Alcohol consumption also causes osteoporosis.

6. Caffeine: Caffeine is another element that worsens the situation for orthopedic patients by decreasing calcium absorption from diet. This can be prevented by avoiding caffeinated drinks and taking adequate calcium daily. Therefore, a person must curb his or her caffeine intake by reducing soda, coffee and caffeinated drinks.

7. Citric acid: Manufactured citric acid used as preservative in foods is known to stimulate inflammation. Natural source of citric acid (orange, lemons) may be beneficial due to Antioxidant effect of Vit c.
As we all know diet plays a key role in development and growth of our body, it is important to go for the correct diet after thorough consultation about orthopedics treatment with the doctor. Therefore, check what is right and what is wrong for the orthopedic patients specially the ones recovering from a surgery.

Spring Meadows Hospital is one of the best orthopedic treatment hospitals in Delhi where you can consult regarding knee pain, joint pain, knee surgery, fractures and many more. Spring Meadows have advanced technology and thus they can rightly help you with your orthopedic concerns.

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Monday, May 20, 2019

Get Treated For PCOD with Smile - Spring Meadows Hospital

PCOS - How it Affects:

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a condition in which hormone pathways which regulate the female sex hormones oestrogen and progesterone and the male sex hormone androgen.

In a normal healthy female, every month egg grows as a 5to 6cysts in one ovary. One of these matures, breaks and releases. But in case of or affected female this does not happen it does not matures breaks and release. Because there is imbalance of female hormones, excess of male of hormones.


Along with irregular periods one may have weight gain,acne,discharge from breast, hair loss or excessive hair growth.


It affects the production if healthy eggs and preparation of uterus lining(endometrium) to accept the pregnancy. And also during pregnancy there are more chances of spontaneous abortion,gestational diabetes, and high blood pressure.

But the good side of this is there are medicines are available to treat all these effects of pcod from irregular periods to problem in conceiving to during pregnancy side effects.

Management :
  • Once one notes these symptoms should visit a Gynecologist for proper check up and investigations blood hormones levels and ultrasound pelvis for uterus and ovaries.
  • Healthy life style is the mainstay of the treatment apart from medicines. Exercise and low carbohydrate diet should be included.

                    Dr. Anuradha Khurana
(Sr. Consultant Obstetrics & Gynecology)

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Now I Can Run At The Age of 65 Age is Not a Barrier For me

For Me Running at This Age is Not a Problem Anymore
Now you can run at the age of 65 which clearly says age is not a barrier for me .

This concept clearly says about the Knee Replacement which most of the people in old age suffers from. Spring Meadows Hospital provides the best knee replacement with the zero infection rate and minimal stay at hospital.

We do have the highest success rate and changing the life of peoples.


  •     Follow international protocols
  •     Minimal Invasive Surgery(Small incision)
  •     Faster Recovery
  •     Expertise Doctors and staff

   Dr. Sudhir Seth
(Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon)